Stores  >  Turkey  >  Antalya  >  Sneaks Up

Sneaks Up

Fener, Tekelioğlu Caddesi No:55 D:Mağaza 1 - 110 , Turkey

Customers rating: 100%
Address and contacts:
Tekelioğlu Caddesi 55
Antalya, 07160 (Muratpaşa, Antalya)
Turkey, Asia

Opening hours are not set yet.
📍 Google Maps

Phone number: TR +90 242 318 15 27
Web (e-shop):
Instagram (IG):

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Questions & Answers

I want to work part time at Sneaks Up, how do I do that?

Contact the Sneaks Up office directly to find out who they are looking for and if they have a part time position.

Is Sneaks Up open for customers at the weekend?

Actually, we have no idea, because the Sneaks Up store has no opening hours listed.

Do you have a phone contact for the store?

As of Aug 3, 2021, we have +90 242 318 15 27 on file.

Does Sneaks Up also sell online and where?

Yes, you can shop online at

Does Sneaks Up have their own Instagram?

Follow them on @sneaks_up.

Would you recommend me to shop at Sneaks Up?

The Sneaks Up has a customer rating of 100%. Great customer reviews.

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