Stores  >  Netherlands  >  Amsterdam  >  SNEAKERS Amsterdam Kalverstraat #84

SNEAKERS Amsterdam Kalverstraat #84

Kalverstraat 84, Amsterdam , Netherlands

Customers rating: 100%
Address and contacts:
Kalverstraat 84
Amsterdam, 1012 PH (Amsterdam-Centrum, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland)
Netherlands, Europe

Opening hours are not set yet.
๐Ÿ“ Google Maps

Phone number: NL +31 20 229 8888
Web (e-shop):

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Questions & Answers

How can I get a job at SNEAKERS Amsterdam Kalverstraat #84?

You can try contacting an employment agency in Amsterdam and ask them or better yet, write directly to SNEAKERS Amsterdam Kalverstraat #84.

Can I go shopping at SNEAKERS Amsterdam Kalverstraat #84 on Saturday or Sunday?

We don't have opening hours information for this branch in our database, so we don't know.

What is the number to SNEAKERS Amsterdam Kalverstraat #84?

Try calling +31 20 229 8888.

Does SNEAKERS Amsterdam Kalverstraat #84 also run an eshop?


Does SNEAKERS Amsterdam Kalverstraat #84 have an Instagram account?

It looks like we don't have an IG account in our database.

I wanna go to SNEAKERS Amsterdam Kalverstraat #84, is it worth it?

In reviews, customers give 5/5. People love this store.

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