Stores  >  Hong Kong  >  Hong Kong  >  Sneakers Street

Sneakers Street

Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok , Hong Kong

Customers rating: 80%
Address and contacts:
Fa Yuen Street
Hong Kong, (Mong Kok, Kowloon)
Hong Kong, Asia
๐Ÿ“ Google Maps
Opening hours:

Monday 02:15 โ€“ 00:00 02:15 AM โ€“ 12:00 AM
Tuesday 11:00 โ€“ 23:00 11:00 AM โ€“ 11:00 PM
Wednesday 11:00 โ€“ 23:00 11:00 AM โ€“ 11:00 PM
Thursday 11:00 โ€“ 23:00 11:00 AM โ€“ 11:00 PM
Friday 11:00 โ€“ 23:00 11:00 AM โ€“ 11:00 PM
Saturday 11:00 โ€“ 23:00 11:00 AM โ€“ 11:00 PM
Sunday 11:00 โ€“ 23:00 11:00 AM โ€“ 11:00 PM

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Questions & Answers

How can I get a job at Sneakers Street?

You can try contacting an employment agency in Hong Kong and ask them or better yet, write directly to Sneakers Street.

Can I buy sneakers at Sneakers Street on weekends?

They're open both Saturday and Sunday.

What's the phone number for Sneakers Street?

We don't know the phone number, but when you find out, let us know.

Does Sneakers Street also sell online and where?

We do not have the address of the online shop in our database.

What is Sneakers Street's IG account?

Unfortunately, we have no idea if Sneakers Street has an IG account.

Do you recommend Sneakers Street?

The customer rating is 4/5. You can't go wrong by buying here.

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