Stores  >  China  >  Beijing  >  Adidas Originals

Adidas Originals

新东安广场B1层B136, Wang Fu Jing Da Jie, Dong Cheng Qu , China

Customers rating: 100%
Address and contacts:
Wang Fu Jing Da Jie
Beijing, 100006 (Dong Cheng Qu, Bei Jing Shi)
China, Asia

Opening hours are not set yet.
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Questions & Answers

Can I apply for a job at Adidas Originals?

On our behalf, we can recommend visiting their website and browsing the jobs section.

Can I buy shoes at Adidas Originals on the weekend?

Actually, we have no idea, because the Adidas Originals store has no opening hours listed.

What is the number to the store?

Unfortunately we do not have the phone number in our database.

Does Adidas Originals also sell online and where?

Unfortunately, it looks like the URL of the shop is not in our records.

Does Adidas Originals have an Instagram account?

Unfortunately, we have no idea if Adidas Originals has an Instagram account.

Do you recommend Adidas Originals?

The Adidas Originals branch has achieved a customer rating of 5 out of five. Excellent customer reviews.

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